Cleaning and Maintaining Your Property before You Move in

If you have decided to move out of your current home and into a new one, you need to consider a lot of things. There is a lot of work related to organizing the move itself, but there are also a lot of things you need to do in your new home before you move there.

Because there are many tasks that require your attention, you should make sure you give yourself plenty of time in order to not feel stressed and pressured. The thing about moving homes is that you should not only look after the one you are leaving, but also focus on preparation of the new place. There is cleaning service that you need to consider and renovation projects, all of which you should strive to complete before you relocate there. This is because work is so much easier when there is no furniture inside the home and no boxes to get in the way of work. It is much easier to perform cleaning service then than it so to clean once all of your belongings are already arranged in the rooms.

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Here is what you can consider doing in your home before you move there:

• Change the locks - this is one of the first things you should consider. The previous owners, along with any realtors and perhaps even some maintenance groups likely all have keys to the home. If you wish to have peace of mind about the security of your home, you should most certainly change the locks. The job does not take too much time and should usually be relatively easy.

• Paint job - before you move, you should most certainly get the paint on the walls done, because this is the only time you are going to have your rooms entirely empty, with nothing to get in the way. Now is the perfect time to tear the old wallpaper that the previous owners had on their walls and do some serious cleaning service to deal with the mess that will follow. Removing wallpaper and paint job as a whole is regarded as one of the messiest projects you can do in your home. Water and glue will be streaming down your walls, and no matter how much you try to protect the floor, there will be spills all over. This is why this job is best done before you move your any furniture there.

• Window cleaning - as you walk to your new home, you most certainly don’t want to see dirty windows greeting you on your way in. Window cleaning is definitely a service you should consider before moving in, not only because you want your new home to look good, but also because there are various window treatments you have to install and a lot of maintenance work such as caulking, painting the window frames and more. Also do not forget that you should acquire some curtains for privacy during your arranging of the place. You can use some old pieces, but do curtain cleaning to remove the dust from them. Later on you can replace them with something more permanent and matching your interior.

• Clean the basement - if your new house has a basement, you should prepare it for your coming by performing thorough cleaning service there. Usually people are afraid of cleaning the basement, because they are scared of what they might find there in the form of a mess, old and rotting furniture, mold and mildew, perhaps even pest problems. Regardless of the problem, you should definitely face it before you arrive in the home to live there permanently. If anything, you are going to want to use the basement so it only makes sense to deal with any issue in this particular room.

• Organise the closets - soon enough you will have to arrange a ton of stuff from your old home in the new one. You will need all the space you can find and this is why it is very important to prepare the closets of the new home. This means installing more poles, hooks, shelves and practically anything you need before all of your items arrive.

There is a lot you need to think about before you move into your new home. Definitely consider all of the aforementioned tasks, because dealing with them sooner rather than later will save you a lot of work in the long run.




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